Paw Journal

@marleythebluenose & Ashley

Marley is an amazing companion that has changed my boyfriend and I's lives for the better. Marley is by far the sweetest, most loving dog we have ever met.

To be honest, she's scared of little dogs. She has such a kind heart and shows nothing but love towards anyone or anything she meets. There hasn't been a person or dog that Marley has shown any type of aggression to like everyone expects. Marley has proved to many people how amazing and kind hearted pit bulls really are. It all starts with the owner. There's no such thing...

Tanner, Scout & @thatgirlwithdogs

We have so many reasons why to rescue!! We fell into the rescue world by chance when I started volunteering with special needs cats in 2002. We ended up adopting four cats who we still have all these years later in 2014. After meeting my first shelter dog, a 15 year old pit bull mix with an intense love for children, I fell into the rescue world. I saw Tanner's picture on a rescue transport site and knew he was the one. When I first met him, he was hiding in the corner scared of his own shadow. Fast forward...

@gideonthedestroyer, Calliope & Jacinda

Calliope was found walking the streets of California with her puppies. She was captured by animal control and was taken to a very high kill shelter. Everyone adopted each one of Calliopes babies and left her to die! On her last day of her life, another shelter swooped in and saved her and brought her to Las Vegas and we found her at the shelter she was taken to. She was one of the oldest there so we knew we just had to save her because no one else would! While having Calliope for about two months we decided she...

@kai_yaaa and Kenny

I went to the Monterey county shelter one day to visit my old coworkers. I had recently lost my dog and did not think I was ready for another yet. I did a walk through the shelter not bonding with any of the dogs. As I walked out a friend of mine was holding Kaiya like a baby. Only 2 months old, and her head was almost heavier than her body. The sweetest pup I have met. They told me I couldn't adopt her until she was older. I was left to come back to LA with her stuck on...

@ryder_thepitbull & Ashleigh

Ryder is so full of love. I can see it when he interacts with little kids and lays down so they can pet him and when I bring him to the nursing home my grandma is currently living in.

He loves visiting people and getting lots of attention. He became CGC certified a few months ago and it doesn't surprise me at all since he has such an amazing personality and temperament. I notice it when he's eating and my nephew will come up and pull on his tail or when he's laying down chewing on a toy...